Myths that we believed to be true

Myths that we believed to be true

1. Dogs can only see in black and white.

 Dogs can see in many colours, but not as many as humans can.

2. Knucle cracking

Despite old wives' tales cracking your knuckles will not give you arthritis.

3. Eat Breakfast to Lose Weight

Having breakfast helps a few people get in shape. It can fight off appetite, and it may counteract arbitrary eating later in the day. In case you're not a breakfast fan, you can in any case thin down. A Cornell University examine found that the non-breakfast swarm didn't gorge at lunch and supper, and they ate around 400 less calories daily. The primary concern: Skipping breakfast may enable some solid individuals to shed pounds.

4. Chameleons change their colour to blend in with their environment.

No, they change their color to reflect their moods.

5. Being Cold Gives You a Cold

Regardless of what your grandmother might've let you know, investing excessively energy exposed air doesn't influence you to wiped out. One investigation found that solid men who spent a few hours in temperatures simply above solidifying had an expansion in sound, infection battling movement in their insusceptible frameworks. Truth be told, will probably become ill inside, where germs are effectively passed.

6. Fish are mute 

Fish makes sounds similar to the noise on a busy farm.

7. Drink 8 Glasses of Water a Day

No need to count cups. Research shows people who gulp a glass of H2O when they’re thirsty get enough to stay healthy and hydrated. Water-rich foods like soup, fruit, and vegetables and drinks like juice, tea, and coffee all help you get your fill. You might need to drink more water if your urine is dark yellow, you don’t go regularly, you're very active, or you live in a hot climate.

8. Organic food is pesticide-free and more nutritious.

Organic food isn't free of pesticides and it isn't really better for you. 

Agriculturists who develop natural create are allowed to utilize chemicals that are normally determined — and at times are in reality more terrible for the earth than their manufactured partners. In any case, pesticide levels on both natural and non-natural nourishments are low to the point that they aren't of worry for utilization, as indicated by the USDA. 

Eating organic foods additionally doesn't accompany any wholesome advantages over non-natural sustenance, as per a survey of 98,727 conceivably pertinent investigations.

9. Great wall of China is visible from space.

It's not visible from space. No single human structure is visible from orbit, but you can see cities at night.

10. An apple a day keeps the doctor away.

Apples are pressed with vitamin C and fiber, both of which are essential to long haul wellbeing, however they aren't all you require. 

What's more, if certain infections or microbes get into your framework, an apple will shockingly do nothing to secure you. 

Simply ahead and get that influenza shot, regardless of whether you eat apples.

11. Sugar Makes Kids Hyper

Sugar isn't useful for kids, yet look into demonstrates the sweet stuff won't make them carry on, hurt their schoolwork, or make them unfit to center. Since numerous guardians trust there's a connection, however, they anticipate that their children will carry on gravely in the wake of eating sugary nourishment. Thus, they're prepared to see it in the event that it happens.

12. We have only 5 senses.

Some scientists insist 21, including balance, pain and temperature.
