The problem of feeling like an imposter

The problem of feeling like an imposter

Have you ever felt that you don't deserve something that you achieved? Most of the people feel like that, even the successful ones. Psychiatrists call this imposter syndrome. It's okay if you have that, you can defeat it. People who come from poor background and achieve something big and start leading a successful life, suffer more from this. Even if someone doesn't have imposter syndrome, still they experience it later on. When people criticizes them, insults them, or when they make them believe that they don't belong where they are now and they don't deserve it, then they start experiencing imposter syndrome.
Don't worry, you are not an imposter. You are experiencing it because you have lack of confidence in your self, you stopped believing in yourself. At some point everyone loses confidence, and stop believing in themselves. It's okay, life is about ups and downs. People will say many things about you, but that doesn't really matter. What matters is that you believe in your strength. When you don't care what people say, you will reach an awesome level of freedom. People's words sometimes hurts us, but it hurts when you take it too seriously. Don't care much about what they think of you.

People judge other people all the time, it's very common human nature. But that doesn't mean that you are an imposter. They can't make you feel like an imposter if you don't want to. it's in your mind, it's about your way of thinking. So learn to control your mind. Believe in yourself, believe in your hardwork, believe in your talent, it doesn't matter what people think of you. People get depressed by thinking that they don't deserve something good, and they fail to perform for their goals. Imposter syndrome stops us from being successful, so fight it. Everyone deserve what they worked for, if you achieved success in life, accept it that you deserve it. You just need to believe that whatever you achieved is by your hardwork. When you will truly believe it, you won't feel like an imposter anymore..
