How to feel good when you are depressed?

Happiness and sadness are part of our life. We all get happy and sad according to our mood and situations.I have noticed that when people get depressed, they listen to sad songs. By listening to sad songs they get more depressed then they were before. Why they do that? They listen to sad songs to match their mood and feel the emotion, but that's wrong. It makes them more sad. Instead of listening to sad songs, they can do the opposite by listening to happy songs. Yes it won't instantly change their mind, but give it some time. Slowly the sad mind will begin to transform into a happy mind. That's why when people feel sad their friends and family try to cheer them up by making jokes or doing something which can make the sad person happy. 

When we feel depressed, we immerse into depression, so try feeling awesome instead. Think that you are wonderful, energetic and awesome. Notice the good things happen around you. Negativity attracts negativity while positivity attracts positivity. When you will feel sad, all the negativity will get attracted towards you, as previously i gave an example about listening to sad songs. Try to remove the negativity by forcing yourself to go towards positivity. The mood will automatically change when you will try to feel awesome. 

Only observe the good things around you when you are depressed. When people get depressed they only think depressing things, try thinking about the good things you already have. Make yourself remember how much good you have left in your life and what you can do. Be thankful for what you have. Learn from life when it gives you pain, it is trying to teach you something. Learn from it and grow, don't get engaged in your sadness. Always try happy things when you are sad. When you will go towards positivity, positivity will get attracted towards you and that's what you need in your life.
